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Apr 17 2019

    Social Media, AEC Firms, and KonMari

    If it doesn’t spark joy—or at least score a few likes—should you keep it in your business plan?

    People far and wide have caught the Marie Kondo de-cluttering bug. They’re evaluating their possessions, determining if they trigger happiness, and deciding which items to keep and which to thank and part with.

    It got us wondering if AEC firms might do the same thing with their social media. Maintaining social media accounts has the potential to take up a lot of time, and they must be consciously and consistently constructed to reflect the image of your firm. Maybe it’s time to reflect on if they’re serving you well. Do you need to thank one or two SoMe networks for their service and then gratefully take them offline?

    Consider Facebook, for example. As a “populist” platform, it’s more suitable for sharing vacation photos than it is for conveying the practice of an architecture studio. On the other hand, platforms such as LinkedIn and Medium allow you to share areas of thought leadership that might resonate with clients or potential clients. As a visual forum, Instagram can be an effective showcase for compelling images of your projects and people.

    So if a social media channel doesn’t spark joy (or enhance your practice), consider dropping it from your digital marketing strategy.