Bringing Added Value to Clients

From a client point of view, what makes a public relations agency—or an architecture firm—great are the fresh ideas, insights, and novel problem-solving skills they bring to the table. Here are five tips on how to exceed expectations:

Create value around needs. Listen carefully to what’s on the client’s mind. Priorities shift, new challenges and threats may be looming, or the KPIs you first agreed to may be outdated. Stay on top of today’s “pain points” and you’ll be better able to tailor your work to what really matters.

See the bigger picture. Stay abreast of the client’s business and industry. Know who the other players are on your client’s team (i.e. ad agency, social marketers, developers, et al) and assert yourself so you stand out among them.

Be a welcome collaborator. Be generous in sharing your expertise by making yourself accessible without over-committing your time. Offer to participate in important conversations via remote means like phone, email, video conference. Doing this not only keeps you in the loop, it also helps deepen your relationship with the client.

Be proactive. Working ahead of the curve will elevate you from diligent “doer” to trusted advisor.

Learn & grow. Continually add to your professional toolbox by reading, listening to podcasts, networking, and stepping outside your usual box to meet new people and have new experiences. This kind of purposeful curiosity can be key to your ability to connect the dots and arrive at big ideas and ingenious solutions for your clients.