Don’t Wait in Line, Publish Now!

Written by Chelsea Gaarder

This month, we are exploring securing exclusives in top architectural magazines. Today we further continue that conversation by delving into the art of forging successful partnerships with magazine editors. As part of Dr. Hausman’s communication team, I’ve been lucky enough to observe and take part in strategic dialogues that have transformed tries into triumphs.

It all starts with your communications strategy, which is crucial if you want to elevate your work: It’s not just about pitching projects but building meaningful relationships with editors. Effective communications acts as a guide to navigate the complexities of the editorial landscape. By forging connections and fostering relationships, you can ensure that your projects, ideas and knowledge stand out to editors.

In the spirit of creating meaningful and effective collaborations, it’s essential to focus on the nuances of communication that can turn potential opportunities into celebrated successes. Here’s a refined take on the strategies that could make your firm and its projects resonate with editors:


  • Crafting Your Message with Utmost Clarity: Imagine the precision and clarity Michelangelo must have envisioned as he sculpted David. Your project description should aim for this level of clarity—where each word is chosen with purpose and every detail contributes to a vivid understanding of your vision. When you articulate the why and how of your project, not just the what, you make it soar.
  • Identifying the Optimal Timing for Outreach: The impact of your communications can be significantly influenced by its timing, much like the punch line of a well-timed joke. To determine the “right moment” for reaching out, conduct thorough research on the publication’s editorial calendar. Understanding the editors’ content cycle—when they plan issues and on which topics, special editions, and what time of the month they’re in between deadlines and most open to submissions—can help you to time your pitch as perfectly as possible. This strategic timing better ensures that your project aligns with an editor’s current needs and interests, increasing the likelihood of capturing his or her attention.
  • Embracing Feedback with Openness and Appreciation: Feedback from editors is an invaluable tool for growth and refinement. Treating their feedback as a gift means actively listening, understanding, and applying their insights to improve your work. Treat the time given to offer suggestions with gratitude for investing in your craft. This proactive engagement shows editors your dedication to excellence and your willingness to collaborate constructively. It’s about creating a partnership where both parties work towards the mutual goal of bringing forth great content–whether now or in the future.
  • Balancing Persistence with Professionalism: Following up is crucial, but how you do it can make all the difference. Emphasize the fine line between being persistent and becoming intrusive. A well-timed, polite follow-up after a reasonable interval shows your genuine interest and commitment to your project, without overstepping. This approach respects the editor’s time and workload, reinforcing your professionalism and enhancing the likelihood of a positive response. If nothing else, it gives the chance to form a long-lasting relationship.


With these refined strategies, you’re better equipped to navigate the complexities of editor collaborations, enhancing your chances not just to get noticed, but to stand out. Now, I invite you to share your experiences, tips, or those invaluable “I wish I had known” lessons learned from interacting with magazine editors. Let’s turn our collective insights into a wellspring of professional wisdom!

Keep building influence!