Doctor in the Haus

Doctor in the Haus

Jun 18 2024

Rebel Without a Brand

Dear Doctor: Everyone is telling me that our firm needs to work on its brand. I’ve heard so much about branding, but I still don’t know exactly what it is. And I have no idea how to build one. Can you help walk me through the process? – Rebel Without a Brand Ah, my dear […]

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Doctor in the Haus

May 1 2024

Stage Fright to Spotlight: Mastering Client Connections

Dear Doctor: The competition for winning work keeps getting tougher. While we get to the interview stage for most of our pursuits, we seem to fall flat in interviews. I’m concerned that our team isn’t connecting with potential clients when we’re face-to-face, either in person or on Zoom. How can we improve our odds?    […]

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Doctor in the Haus

Mar 12 2024

Unlocking the Secrets of Architecture Publishing: Navigating Exclusives and Marketing Your Work

Dear Doctor: I really need your help. We really want to get our work published in some of the architecture magazines, but I don’t understand how they work and what they mean by an “exclusive.” I feel like we have to wait a long time for a decision—sometimes months. In the meantime, I’ve heard that […]

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