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Jun 14 2021

    Medium as Message

    There’s more to effective communication than well-chosen words and images; it’s equally important to utilize the optimal means of reaching your target audience. Whether you’re looking to connect with established or potential clients, prospective hires, members of the media, or the general public, consider these options as you craft your outreach.

    Blog posts. Even if your website is populated with mostly static content, regularly adding to its blog or news section boosts its search engine optimization (SEO), and helps keep your firm at the top of the rankings. Visitors to your site are there purposefully, so write with that in mind; the content should reflect and support the firm’s values and ethos.

    Bylined articles. While the prestige of print publications is indisputable, think of placing your thought leadership article with a publication that also generates quality online engagement. Learn more about making thought leadership part of your communications strategy here.

    Newsletters. Among the benefits of newsletters: they’re easy to construct and distribute, and the sender controls all content. Don’t forget the importance of writing a compelling subject line to entice your audience into opening your newsletter.

    Social media. Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn are effective platforms to distribute quick updates and news to a wide range of recipients; remember the potential exists for amplifying your message to a wide variety of groups. Don’t be afraid to reevaluate your use of social media channels from time to time, as your communication plans—and digital outlets—evolve.