February 2017


We’re thrilled to be continuing our streak of great press for Hausman clients in 2017! Here’s a select list of editorial coverage culled from the month of February.

Engineering News-Record looks at Arup‘s visionary work in the transportation sector

Three major projects by Behnisch Architekten are featured in Arch20: WIPO Conference Hall, Harvard University’s Science and Engineering Complex in Allston, and Santa Monica Parking Structure #6

The AIA New York chapter notes the opening of the innovative Upstate Cord Blood Bank by Francis Cauffman. The project is also covered in Eagle News and NewsWise

Medical Construction & Design talks to Francis Cauffman about best practices in ER design

Francis Cauffman‘s design for New York law firm Fox Rothchild is profiled in Office Snapshots

Real Estate Weekly recognizes staff promotions at Francis Cauffman

Donna Wilson interviews Deryl McKissack of McKissack & McKissack in a three-part series for Bloomberg Radio

The Jobsite turns to Julian Anderson of Rider Levett Bucknall for construction business insight

John Jozwick of Rider Levett Bucknall advises on avoiding drive-by ADA lawsuits in Building Design + Construction